
Class notes for the Machine Learning Nanodegree at Udacity

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Arithmetic Mean

Arithmetic Mean

Geometric Mean

Geometric Mean

Harmonic Mean

Harmonic Mean

Mean of Probability Distribution

Discrete Probability Mean

Continuous Probability Mean


The mode of a sample is the element that occurs most often in the collection. For example, the mode of the sample [1, 3, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 12, 12, 17] is 6.



Standard Deviation and Variance


The variance of a random variable X is the expected value of the squared deviation from the mean of X:

Var(X) = E[(X - μ)²]

Usually the expected value for most distributions is the arithmetic mean:

Variance with arithmetic mean

Standard Deviation

Standard deviation is the square root of the variance.


Example: The marks of a class of eight students (that is, a population) are the following eight values:

For example, the marks of a class of eight students (that is, a population) are the following eight values:

2,\ 4,\ 4,\ 4,\ 5,\ 5,\ 7,\ 9.

These eight data points have the mean (average) of 5: {\frac {2+4+4+4+5+5+7+9}{8}}=5.

First, calculate the deviations of each data point from the mean, and square the result of each:


The variance is the mean of these values:

{\frac {9+1+1+1+0+0+4+16}{8}}=4.

and the population standard deviation is equal to the square root of the variance:

{\sqrt {4}}=2.

Normal Distribution

Probability Density

Probability Density of a Normal Distribution

Bessels Correction

Sample standard deviation

Bessels Correction

This is used to approximate standard deviation of the population, from a standar deviation of a sample.

Reference: Wikipedia